Loath though I am to comment on the latest outrage (there are always more layers to unpack than seems reasonable for any "random nutcase" event), Claire Fox for the Daily Sceptic provides what strikes me to be a very level-headed review of what we know so far.
" ... silencing, gaslighting and repression are the only political weapons the political elite feels at home with"
Sadly, this does seem to express a truth (although "only" is really a stretch too far). Just as every problem once seemed to the government to require either (a) more spending or (b) a new law (did they know how to do anything else?), now it also requires public opinion to be moulded by some form of gaslighting, or even (God forbid) by a false flag attack designed to set public opinion against the fingered perpetrator class (a pattern that has now become reasonably clear and provides Ole Dammegard with a previously unimagined but now busy career path).
I am happy to support Claire's effort.