It seems an aeon since we voted to leave the EU.
It took three years of obfuscation that threatened the collapse of Parliament before we finally voted (for a least the third time) for us to leave, even on Boris' compromised Withdrawal Agreement that it seems nobody fully understood.
As a result the EU has been leveraging that verbiage to keep Northern Ireland within the EU, no doubt with the support of the Irish government who would like to end up with a united Ireland under their control. I suspect that they should be careful what they wish for - a united Ireland might not be the panacea that brings an end to the "troubles".
For a review of roughly where these negotiations now stand and whither they might be (still painfully slowly) moving, the Express published a piece by Jayne Adye of Get Britain Out.
It's worth perusing, and it reiterates the same point that we have known all along - the UK must take and keep the initiative in these ongoing battles of the negotiation and the parallel public narrative - against the ponderous bureaucratic monolithic EU, how difficult can that really be?