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Mahyar Tousi is a "right wing" commentator who is closer to mainstream than many, but here he is pointing up some of life's current absurdities:

(4 minutes)


Like / Dislike this video here.

And the Daily Sceptic reports on the severity of this dreadful new scariant ...

But what about the Covid Tests? Does a positive test = an infection? 

To hear the official sources (including the media) the positive test is synonymous with the infection (a.k.a. "a case") but is that so? And if not, how significant is the difference?

(3 minutes)


Since all Covid statistics globally are predicated upon a "test" being a "case", ask yourself whether it is surprising that more people are questioning the "pandemic" narrative with every passing day.

 Come Fly with Me? 

This video speaks for itself (although it rambles off onto other topics which may or may not be of interest).

(20 minutes)


See also:

Hospitals Filled With Patients Who Are Suffering Adverse Effects From Covid Vaccines

(4 minutes)


Now some news just in:

We have reported previously on how some believe the UK government may have made inappropriate use of the drug Midazolam resulting in the deaths of many elderly folk in the first Covid-19 wave of 2020.

So it is with some concern that we note that similar procedures may be planned for 2022:

(2 minutes)


Source:  bidstats

And finally,

About vaccine passports ...

(17 minutes and probably 10 minutes too long at that)