Posted by UK Column on Tuesday 4th May.
"I think that a lot of people think that the NHS is in complete control of this, and actually don’t realise that under emergency measures, they are told what to do"
"I think the long-term safety effects of these injections is still not known, yet we can see that the short-term impact is huge. And we’re now moving into a territory where we are going into healthy, younger, fertile individuals, and — God forbid — children. And that, quite frankly, terrifies me"
"People with dry, cracking hands from the amount of hand-washing that they’re having to do; constant face mask wearing, causing huge skin problems; massive headaches; a lot of people off sick — and the pressure that is going into the system is huge"
"I feel like the fear has increased, because the propaganda and the news outlets and the pressure from the Government has increased. It’s almost like you’re seeing the fear and pressure increase at the same time. So, if you said to me, “How did people react in April last year versus how are people now?”, they’re much worse now in terms of their overall health, their mental wellbeing, and their fear levels"
"I’ve had very rational conversations with my peers and then we can sit down a couple of days later and that rational conversation has gone. And I’m having an irrational one that doesn’t make sense; it’s based on fear or emotions or something that’s changed"
"we heard the word ‘genocide’ from the lady on Wednesday. I don’t disagree with that statement. And it’s terrifying, and it saddens me, and the reason I’m staying where I am for now is to try and make a difference in whatever way I can, but — like she said, and I would absolutely agree with this — I want to see that judgment day. I will give evidence"
This is a deeply revealing interview.
It is also deeply disturbing.