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"If you’ve suffered loss or injury because of Covid Measures in the UK, you may have a claim against the UK Government for causing these harms" (cacuk.uk)

Mina Dew explains the legal case to UNN's Anthony Webber.

"Their case is different from other Covid cases. First, they challenge the pretext of a pandemic, based on available mortality data. They also highlight that the government's "response" always assumed vaccination was the answer. They challenge that assumption too!

"As well as seeking compensation and declaratory relief, they want to use this case to effect positive changes in our laws and in society, specifically:

"To prove that vaccines must never be mandatory (they are “unavoidably unsafe” according to US legislation).

"To establish that personal medical freedom must never be compromised by a “pandemic”, a war, or any other national or international emergency.

"To establish that coercion for medical intervention, be it vaccines, testing, DNA harvesting, nanoparticles, masks, or anything else, is unlawful.

"To introduce laws prescribing that all vaccine advertising and “informational” media must include a prominent health warning (like that on cigarette packets)"

(If you feel so inclined, they welcome donations via their website)

(13 minutes)