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Greater Reset!

  • Fulford on Monday 14th March


    Is this the end-game?

    "a huge campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and expand into the universe is about to begin".

    Worth reading.


  • 5D or 5G? Scientific or Spiritual?


    I've tagged this as "lucky dip" rather than "conspiracy" because it doesn't really fit the category of "conspiracy" - some might think it "delusion" but I don't have a category for that as it's too broad a description - so "lucky dip" it is.

    5G has been a topic that many have associated with an alternative cause of Covid-like symptoms - not in all realism too difficult as the Covid symptoms are pretty generic, and some of the reports from New York in the early days were quite suggestive of radiation poisoning (pneumonitis rather than pneumonia). I'm comfortable discussing such matters because I'm working within a "scientific" or "engineering" paradigm based upon facts logic and measurement and (relatively) clear definitions. 

    5D (fifth dimension or 5th density) has often puzzled me (as an engineer) primarily because the engineering attributes of dimension (a

  • Net Non-Zero Agenda Officially Birthed


    Does this herald the (eventual) scrapping of the Net Zero agenda?

    The Mail Online reports the setting up of a Task Force to invade Russia - no wait, I got that wrong - to boost the UK's energy self-sufficiency and keep energy bills down. It won't come soon enough but it's a start.

    The task force's focus will be on oil gas and nuclear. 

    Pending the birth of this new elephant, here's an idea - why not make peace with Russia, acknowledge that the "war" is not with the Ukrainians but with the Azov battalions and US bio-labs, accept Putin at his word that he wants self-determination for the Ukraine and offer our assistance to ensure that happens, and open the way to resuming gas supplies from the Russian Federation?

    Peace and security all round, by

  • New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations?


    Harley Schlanger of the Schiller Institute announces a petition to set up a new international architecture covering financial and security matters globally (and take over from the existing failed United Nations structures that have no legitimate authority from the peoples of the world).

    Use of sanctions as a weapon of mass destruction is not acceptable.

    We must have a shift based on the "Peace of Westphalia".

    (6 minutes)


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  • Fulford: The Time for Talk is Over, Now We Need Action


    Benjamin Fulford's Friday video starts with an appeal to the French army (in French!).

    He also asserts that the Ukraine army (as opposed to the Azov battalions) are working with the Russians to secure the country and root out the mafia. 

    He also has Switzerland in his sights, and ends with the plea for action now to rid the world of the remaining criminals in high places. The KM is now running on fumes and propaganda.

    Oh, and look out for the fake Alien Invasion . . .

    Worth watching if you have a subscription that covers.

    Those without a subscription could watch the special 

    Benjamin Fulford and Kimberly Goguen


    This is one hour of independent journalism in the true sense.

    Readers who follow our site may be familiar with Benjamin Fulford's work to give us his view of the world that we find ourselves in. He is what I would call a true and honest traditional journalist who has his feet planted firmly on the solid ground of evidence.

    Kimberley Goguen seems like a Very Important Person we should remember. 

    However, some of us may need to be prepared to suspend some of our disbeliefs...

    This is where our "Down the Rabbit Hole" series (ideally, take them in numerical order) meets reality.

    This is a

  • Ukraine - and the World - Thoughts of Benjamin Fulford


    It's Monday so it's Benjamin's weekly report.

    If you don't have a subscription, he's worth it (in my jaundiced opinion).

    Even without a subscription he's worth checking out, but you don't get the full works.

    His view of the world is so different from the mainstream view that we might be living on different planets. (Perhaps we soon will be... )

    We can get a clue about what motivates Mr Putin from his speech to the (virtual) Davos 2021 organised by the WEF:

    "... globalisation led to a significant increase in the revenue of large multinational, primarily US

  • Fulford on Monday - a Huge Update


    Benjamin Fulford is an apparently well-connected and independent Canadian journalist who lives in Japan.

    His Monday report is a round-up of the latest news and developments behind the scenes, and his Friday video also hosts a Q&A session.

    Today's report covers the Ukraine situation (as we might expect) and provides a glimpse of what we may expect in the coming days and weeks.

    To read the full report (and/or view the Friday video) you will need to fork out a modest subscription (recommended).

    For my money, it's worth paying up for today's report alone . . .

    (and no, I don't have any association with his site other than my own subscription)

  • If in Doubt - Reboot the World!


    Benjamin Fulford's Friday video is well worth your time...

    We are witnessing nothing less than the arrest and rounding up of the criminal elite that still pretend that they run the world (President Putin has thrown down the gauntlet by taking away their assets in the Ukraine and that process is expected to continue), followed by the reboot of the world's political systems.

    As always his subscription (required for this Friday session) is good value!


  • Ukraine - an Unconventional Viewpoint


    It is our policy on this site to encourage everyone to think for themselves - but if one is perpetually immersed in a sea of one-sided commentary, that becomes very difficult.

    So today, at the risk of being accused of being traitor to our beloved country (not true at all) I present an alternative view of the current situation from LaRouchePAC, founded in memory of American senator Lyndon LaRouche who viewed the UK influence on American affairs as something akin to clandestine subversive post-colonial control in the interests of the City of London and others (I simplify for brevity).

    That doesn't mean that I accept or reject this viewpoint - it means that I consider it a sensible contribution to our understanding of current events, and one that is worthy of our attention.

    Mr Putin's opening remarks bear scrutiny:


  • From the Truckers to the Courts? Lawful and/or Legal?


    Truckers in Ottawa now in retreat before the real threat of violence, but truckers elsewhere both in Canada and around the world are mobilising...

    Where to from here?

    "3 Important Questions:

    1) Do you claim "i" as property?
    2) Produce the contract to show that "i" have relinquished my God given rights and that you have jurisdiction over me.
    3) Produce the contract "i" have with the service corporation (Canada, Ontario, etc.) that you represent."

    Christopher James tells the law as he sees it.

    (12 minutes)



  • World on the Brink?


    Ben Fulford's Friday video is available.

    Will the United States Corporation survive the week-end?

    Will the Federal Reserve Bank (neither federal nor a reserve, in keeping with the normal rule that everything we have and are been told is untrue) be bankrupted?

    Will the Canadian Government in situ survive?

    What is money anyway?

    He requires your modest subscription to watch (although this requirement lapses for past weeks)

  • New Caribbean Order?


    Unherd takes us on a quick tour of the possibility for a post-Covid New Caribbean Order - and if we expect to remodel our institutions in the UK post Brexit then why shouldn't the Commonwealth?

    There's nothing complicated about the principle here - as always the devil will be in the detail - but happily the detail will be in the Caribbean and not so much in the UK!

    Peter Franklin takes us through the implications.

  • US Corporation to Implode?


    "If all goes well ...the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation will go bankrupt and implode this week"

    "The US Corporation missed an external payments deadline on January 31st. They were given until this week to come up with the money"

    Friday 18th.

    "The biggest signals are coming from the financial markets where insiders are rushing for the exits"

    So far that "rush for the exits" doesn't seem to have translated into much of a correction, but increased short selling is a measure of the expectations of "sophisticated" traders. 

    Various world and pharma leaders are reportedly being dealt with... and the Russians aren't complying with the "war" narrative - why would they? They want to discredit western leadership, not fight a war.


  • Ottawa 2!


    (See our main Ottawa story here. It's updated daily until this ends!)

    I wasn't going to put this up, because there is so much "out there" and I have to be selective, but really, isn't this what it's all about?

    (9 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.


  • Fulford on Friday - Military Option


    The days fly by and it's Friday again - so Mr Fulford's Friday video report is available.

    A modest subscription is required.

    This week he is advising the military (and us) how to stage a military coup in favour of the people.

    He also concludes with an interesting Q&A session.

    Maybe we should pay attention...

    Perhaps this guy has been listening.

    (7 minutes)


  • Ottawa!


    (14 minutes)


     Like / Dislike this video here.

    (14 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.

    (35 minutes)


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  • What the Truckers in Canada Are Up Against


    John Rappaport, Matrix investigator and unreconstructed blogger for truth and freedom, brings us up to date with his assessments of the trucker situation in Canada.

    Things are moving very fast now and by the time you read this circumstances will probably have moved on, but no matter - his insight is something that I highly respect.

    So read on:

    The Truckers vs The Government; We need to get out ahead of all this

    The Truckers, GoFundMe, and the CIA; connecting dots


  • The Fulford Monday Report


    The world is changing fast - mostly behind the scenes.

    If you want to know something of what is going on then Benjamin Fulford has a story to tell.

    He may or may not have his finger on the geopolitical pulse, but he sure is entertaining.

    As always, a modest subscription is required if you want to read his full articles.


  • The Shape of the World to Come


    Transition is coming...

    The New World Order is on its way...   just not the WEF way.

    We have featured the Global Peace and Restoration Consortium of Member States previously:

    UN / WHO R.I.P. - Long Live the GPRC / GHWC !

    Did Little Fiji Just Kick Off the Greater Reset?

    Then their web-site was under construction... it is still unfinished in many parts, but now it is beginning to reveal more, and worth another exploration!

    To whet your appetite...
