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Greater Reset!

  • Global WalkOut - Step 1


    (2 minutes)


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  • The World According to Lavrov


    Whether you consider the Russians friend or foe, they are perhaps the primary player on the world stage at present, and it makes sense to know how they think (or what they want you to think).

    (12 minutes)


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  • The Collapse of our Old Way of Life


    There's nothing much new in this report but it does pull together the various threads that have combined to bring us to where we are today.

    Like all economic forecasts (these surely live up to the "dismal science" sobriquet) and like other predictions about the future, we should take them with a large pinch of salt, but it's still best to be aware of the possibilities.

    The globalists of the WEF want us to undergo a "great reset" where we will end up owning nothing and being "happy" (but utterly dependent upon the ruling elite), whilst the independent-minded amongst us want a greater reset where we will end up without that ruling elite and with all powers devolved back to the lowest practicable level.

    One way or the other, the reset is inevitable and indeed now imminent, and will remove power from those who run out of money (whoever

  • Fulford Report Monday 5th Sept 2022


    An informative update this week, pulling various threads together and adding a few new ones into the mix.

    As always, follow the (real) money.

    Modest subscription required.


  • Fulford on Friday 2nd Sept 2022


    Ben is Back!

    Home in Japan after his break, Ben brings us up to date with the world as he sees it.

    An interesting report, and for those who have been following his reports, no major surprises but probably a few welcome confirmations.

    Modest subscription required.


  • The Power of Rome, London, and Washington DC to Rule the World will be Cancelled


    Do we want a MEGA hat?!

    A Make England Great Again hat?

    It's a catchy concept that has some allure.

    Did you know that there is an English Constitution Party? Nor me, but our English Constitution deserves to be widely known and respected.

    How is it not already widely known? Because our schools do not teach it!

    It is said that our Constitution is the antidote to slavery - so one may ask what happened to it? Since slavery is a hot topic these days, the antidote should be equally hot, so why do our schools not teach it? Do our elites not want it widely known?

    It isn't just England that is in trouble, the whole (mainly English speaking) western world, all of which governments tried to treat their entire populations like slaves

  • Fulford on Friday 26 Aug


    Ben is still in Canada with poor bandwidth, so today's review is audio only (sadly still with the odd glitch).

    No major revelations but a useful update, followed by useful questions.

    Small subscription required.


  • What to Do about our Bureaucracies?


    They have been growing for decades, if not centuries, and are seriously well-entrenched within the fabric of the nation, whichever (western) nation we are talking about.

    And we are not just talking about government departments. We must also include all the "arms-length" NGOs regulators QUANGOs and private corporations, even regulated charities and other "non-profit" "foundations" that are dependent on the State for their feed and watering and that enable that same State to hide behind commercial confidentiality clauses and the like to keep stuff out of the public view.

    We might also include the "privatised" regulated monopolies (railways, water, power, etc) - that model has been done to death and found wanting, being entirely dependent upon a regulator that might well be weak ineffective or even corruptible. 

    For example, there is no incentive for water companies to plug leaks in their distribution network if they don't pay for the water lost. The

  • The Plutocratic UK


    This site has argued that the UK has long lost touch with democracy.

    Whether we ever had democracy (ie: whether our UK parliament was ever populated by true representatives of the people) is a question that we could debate for ever, but the events of recent years (since we slowly morphed into a subservient member of the EU, and endured multiple parliamentary seizures trying to leave without actually leaving) have shown that we are no longer run by our own representatives.

    Thomas Fazi (Italian, since you ask) writing in Unherd agrees, and doesn't mince his words either:

    "The West’s survival depends on freeing ourselves from the grip of this parasitic, cancerous elite — and of their political henchmen"

    Thomas also writes for a number of other publications, and has

  • Down the Rabbit Hole with Ben


    Benjamin Fulford is a serious journalist, and someone who quite possibly has the best grasp of global geopolitical dynamics anywhere to be found.

    He is currently (it being summer) enjoying a traditional summer holiday, but meanwhile he has pre-written and pre-recorded his usual weekly articles and videos.

    His Monday article this week (you can skip the initial videos) will be found challenging by many, possibly to the point of outright rejection, but the trouble is that his logic does as always seem impeccable.

    In this article he doesn't update us with the latest goings-on, rather with the ancient goings-on of old. His conclusion will up-end the world-view of not a few, and will shock many to their very marrow.

    But my old friend Mr Logic is not to be overcome - if Ben is wrong then he is wrong because of information unknown or assumptions unwarranted, not because of faulty reasoning.


  • So You Think You Know the Basis of the American Revolution?


    James Logan, "the American philosopher you don't yet know", is featured by LaRouchePAC in this timely review of the philosophical roots of the American War of Independence.

    I confess it's a new one on me too - the more articles I research the more I learn.

    The soul of America is the notion that the Creator created us in his own image. Think about it - does this not mean that we have the powers of creation too?!

    Obviously not currently to the same extent, but in embryonic form, certainly.

    No wonder the globalists want to jab those powers to death any which way they can, because if they don't, we will overwhelm them.

    Interestingly, James Logan has his modern counterpart in John Rappaport, whose

    The War for the World?


    I think it fair to say that almost nobody fully understands the state of our modern world and whither it is bound, and after watching this I'm pretty sure that you won't either, but perhaps it may help begin to make some sense of future events as they unfold...

    Set aside your preconceptions, and make of it what you will.

    (17 minutes)



  • Clif High Double Update - Sri Lanka - 4th Gen Warfare


    Direct from his eyrie overlooking Puget Sound (and in all natural lighting!) Clif updates us on his thoughts on the recent happenings around the world, in particular, in Sri Lanka.

    4th Generation Warfare:

    Here he almost introduces a new word: "narradigm" but sadly he corrects himself - I quite like the idea of a "narradigm", as it so neatly encapsulates a paradigm that is constructed solely from a narrative rather than being founded upon any factual basis.

    (24 minutes)


    A True Green Future - We R Sri Lanka:

    (18 minutes)


  • EU on the Skids?


    In 2016 the UK voted to leave the EU. Many may argue that we never really left in practice, despite Boris' posturings, and some argue that with a new PM in the hot seat we may be set fair to rejoin, but it seems that other countries have had enough of the EU as currently constituted.

    Hungary has taken a dramatic step which amounts to a declaration of determined intent:

    Orban’s Hungary votes to abolish current EU Parliament and end “ever closer union”

    With Draghi already busted and Macron on the slide, can other countries be far behind?

    Or will the EU be fatally compromised by Russia's stranglehold on the gas pedal? Or by their revolting national citizenry? Or by the stresses and strains imposed by the military

  • The Fulford Report Monday 25 July 2022


    If this is WW3 then truth is the first casualty and nothing that we see in the usual media can be expected to be true.

    So we must take our truth where we can find it, and for my money (yes, modest subscription required if you want to read the latest articles!) Benjamin Fulford weaves a compelling narrative. Is he right? 

    Right or wrong, his reports are always (well almost always) fascinating and paint a picture we must all hope and pray is correct in principle if not in all details.

    Recommended reading, perhaps especially if you happen to be in Switzerland.

    Don't miss.


  • Fulford Charts the Developing "Implosion"


    For those who have been following Ben's weekly reports, today's report will probably come as a welcome confirmation that the slide of the "ancien regime" into oblivion gathers pace.

    To quote Dickens:

    "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only" ~ A Tale of Two Cities


  • Update from the Middle East, 12th July


    Amir is with us again with an update from Galilee on the world as he sees it, and indeed as Ezekiel saw it before him.

    Followers of Q will note that Israel is slated be dealt with last...  so perhaps the Ukraine is just the warm-up for the Middle East?

    I'm thinking that the Bible has never seemed more immediately relevant.

    (27 minutes)


    Like / Dislike this video here.

  • Clif High - Pivot Point Incoming?


    Another monologue from the sage of all matters "big ugly".

    Pay attention - the SOC is getting its act together, possibly imminently, depending on how actions and reactions play out.

    "The war has broken out... "

    (28 minutes)



  • Two Reflections on the War on Humanity


    It must be some kind of anniversary for two such to drop into my inbox on the same day.

    One (relatively short polished and easy-going) from David Sörensen of Stop World Control, and the other from Martin Geddes, which tracks his journey, reactions, learning process, and changing circumstances.

    Both conclude that no man may know either the timing or the details of what will unfold, but both remain confident that honesty truth and love will prevail over duplicity lies indifference and hatred, if only because the latter will inevitably collapse of its own contradictions provided that the populace can recover their critical faculties in time.

    That does seem to be the primary issue of the moment.

    Useful reviews both in their own ways, and both concluding that the process upon which the world has embarked is a complex multi-year

  • Are the BRICS Just the Same Globalists Under a Different Hat?


    One of the petitions (to those who masquerade as our government) that I have not yet seen raised might be a petition urging the UK to join the BRICS (Brazil Russia India China) group of nations - in other words that group of nations that appears to be forging a new path to the future rather than clinging to the outmoded and failing power-groupings of the past.

    Of all the European nations, Britain may well be among those best placed to do exactly that following our exit from the EU.

    Some may find this suggestion tasteless, made as it is whilst the UK is clearly engaged in an even more tasteless proxy war with Russia, but this is (at least for now) merely a philosophical issue which doesn't detract from the primary argument.

    In any case, there is no case for casting aside logical thought and philosophical enquiry because there is a war on - wars are never won by building strategy upon untruths.

    In fact, the
