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Greater Reset!

  • Neil Oliver Nails It - Time to Stop the Criminals


    Sparked by the state of the world in general and the latest conflagration in Sudan, Neil delivers a comprehensive summary of where we are, how we got here, and what to do (although he might be giving them a couple of centuries benefit of the doubt?).

    Right on target nevertheless.

    (12 minutes)



  • Ancient (and not Quite so Ancient) History


    These two videos ambushed me this morning.

    On the face of it neither of them grabbed my attention, but I wasn't feeling my best (late night last night) so it was convenient to indulge YouTube with some leisurely viewing, apropos of nothing in particular.

    Serendipity - the art of encountering fortuitous happenings!

    These are long videos, and in a (rather extended) weak moment I watched them both to the end. They are not related except in as much as they deal with a broad sweep of history, but the presentation and subject matter is complementary.

    The first is an interview of talking heads, and is probably the easier to follow, whilst the second is in lecture format (albeit quite informal) but it does have an annoying habit of showing the lecturer rather than the slides he is talking about.

    And ignore the intro, it's nothing to do

  • Trump Agenda 47 to Revive the Post-Globalist American States!


    The good folks at LarouchePAC are undoubtedly good folks but unhappily somewhat low-key, even on occasion stultifyingly boring - there, forgive me, but I said it.

    That's not however to say that they are wrong, inconsequential, or can be safely ignored.

    If Trump has an Agenda 47 then I'm pretty sure we should be taking a vigorous interest.

    So what is this Agenda 47? 

    If "the Donald" will forgive me, I summarise briefly below:

    • A new generation of 10 new "Freedom Cities" (to be commissioned after a design competition)
    • VTOL vehicles as the next generation of personal transport
    • Air mobility revolution to transform commerce
    • Dramatic lowering of cost of living
    • Baby
  • Our World - An Historical Aberation?


    If the cure for top-down control is bottom-up freedom, then we the bottom-up people must start taking a controlling interest in politics - it's as simple as that.

    A major element of bottom-up must be creating a polity that can speak for the nation without maintaining dictatorial control over the nation.

    We are a world of nations for better or for worse.

    After recent events, I don't believe the majority of people will look kindly on giving the UN plenipotentiary powers over all nations, or on abolishing national borders with immediate unlimited effect, but we wouldn't wish to abolish the central UN talking-shop as it provides a useful function where independent nations can agree to cooperate in good faith on matters of common interest.

    So it is within the nation state - if we were to simply abolish Monarch Parliament and Judiciary overnight and all national institutions that make the nation work, I would

  • Down the Rabbit Hole 10 - Whither Humanity Now?


    (Readers are advised to read my other 'Down the Rabbit Hole' titles (use top left Search box), in particular Down the Rabbit Hole 1, before continuing)

    "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way--in short, the period was so far like the present period that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only" - A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens

    OK, so we've been here before!

    Fulford Report - Monday 24 April 2023


    The Deep State continues to twist and turn...  but seemingly to little avail except to create chaos and further harm.

    Modest subscription required to read the full article.


  • "Down Under" No Longer!


    He Wakaputanga emerges in International media

    (4 minutes)



  • Review of East-West European Relations


    If Benjamin Fulford is right that Ukraine war is to all intents and purposes over, then this little review of the state of European relations by Thomas Fazi is timely.

    Europe is a big place and includes many countries, not all of which are members of the EU.

    My own view is that the EU is corrupt and will fall, but what do I know?

    If Russia will halt her war in the Ukraine, and negotiations to deal with the unoccupied areas are successful, then a radical reshaping of European geopolitics is very much on the cards, and the notion of "mad bad Vlad" as a despotic Hitler hell-bent on the aggrandisement of the Russian Federation will be shown to be at the least a huge exaggeration.

    Read all about it.


  • Fulford Weekly Report - Monday 17 April 2023


    "The Ukrainian war has now ended and Ukraine will cease to exist"

    ...and much else besides!

    I don't doubt that this news (and more) may take a while to reach the front line, so hold the celebration until news breaks formally - there are a lot of egos that will need to be worked around here.

    Modest subscription required for the full article, but those without still get to read some significant reportage.


  • The Deep State - What It's Done, Where It's Going


    Dr Reiner Fuellmich, here speaking to "Man In America", gives a more or less comprehensive run-down of the events of recent years, what they may mean, and how it will likely (even inevitably) turn out.

    Whether or not we agree with the metaphysical speculations is for each of us to determine, but the overall logic expounded by Dr Fuellmich is the main show here.


    (72 minutes)



  • King of the WEF, or King of the UK?


    As absurdity piles upon absurdity, Sir Julian Rose talks with Richard Vobes to explain the true state of affairs as they are imposed by our affairs of State - particularly with respect to our food supplies.

    "We the consumers have to take this initiative - we are the only people that can save these sorts of farmers"

    ... we want real food, we want it fresh, and we want it local, and we'll pay a fair price for it... "

    "... we could start, finally, to break down this gap between the urban / suburban and the farming community..."

    Supermarket food looks nice, but it's farm-to-consumer miles are off the scale and

     "... it's all highly destructive on every environmental level possible"

    Quite so.

    Allowing the supermarket supplies to

  • Sacha Stone explains How He Sees World History Unfolding


    Sacha Stone may not be everybody's cup of tea, but he does a tidy job of demolishing the artificial religions, not to mention governments, that some believe have plagued our planet for many generations.

    "Government can only ever lead to war, disease, and poverty"

    "The harvest of humanity began with turning human beings into bonds" (titling, registration, licensing)

    Government - mind control technology.

    "Bad dreaming leads to... a diabolical perversion of rationale where we have invited this... demonic activity into the temporal realm... and we... good Christians, good Muslims, good Bhuddists, good Jews alike, have invited this insanity"

    "This is DNA harvesting ... statutory rape... entrainment into wars, disease, poverty, and fear... " 

    It's hard to argue with assertions amply

  • Fulford Weekly Report - Monday 10 April


    A useful round-up rather than an earth shaking revelation. Still, it all points in the same direction.

    Modest subscription required.


  • Ukraine Update - Douglas Macgregor


    The video title is maybe a little too sensational, but I guess they have to attract views.

    He does finish with a neat summary of US military positioning globally - and his views may surprise those who still consider aircraft carriers to be the ultimate means of projecting  military power.

    (37 minutes)


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  • England, This England


    An Easter message from Richard Vobes.

    Not "England for the English", but "England by the English".

    Some may think this hopelessly nostalgic, but why could we not have the best of the old as well as the best of the new?

    We are who we choose to be - let us choose wisely, and insist on our own will, rather than meekly accepting the instructions of those who falsely purport to represent us.

    If we fail, then so be it, but if we don't try, then failure is guaranteed.

    (18 minutes)

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  • Fulford Monday Report - 3 April 2023


    As we might expect, he chronicles the further collapse of the NWO and notes the geopolitical realignments that are increasingly becoming more obvious.

    Plus some less obvious...

    "On March 30th, the Vatican renounced the Doctrine of Discovery. It was a once in 500-year news event that went almost completely unreported... "

    Don't miss.  (Modest subscription required for full access)

  • The Law of the Land from First Principles


    There are days when I think I might as well give up this site and just direct everyone to Richard Vobes' YouTube channel, but he does interview such excellent people that I can't just pass over what he does simply because he's taking my site over! Maybe in due course I may get the opportunity to walk away, but that time is not quite here yet.

    Here he is talking to Marc Horn from Peace Keepers, and his discussion on the basic origins of the Coronation Oath, our constitution, the Bill of Rights, principles of equity, the common law, and Parliamentary legislation makes a great deal of sense to me. We really do need to choose our authorities carefully and understand the basic constructs, from first principles. The principles may be quite simple, but because they are unfamiliar, and some seem to prefer to misrepresent them, reorienting our understanding requires some re-working of our assumptions, both explicit and implicit.

    The Fulford Report Monday 27 March 2023


    "The collapse of the Western financial system is a mathematical certainty because recent rate hikes created at least an $8 trillion loss for financial institutions. Governments have been trying to foist this on the people. Revolution will be the result. This is why unprecedented unrest is overtaking France, Germany, Pakistan, Israel and many other places"

    The pace of change is clearly escalating, so we may expect the collapse to keep pace.

    Modest subscription required.


  • Bird Flu - Exterminate, or Rebuild on the Survivors?


    One hears many rumblings in the media about bird flu and poultry shortages, but of course there's never a problem that government intervention cannot make immeasurably worse "for our safety".

    Even if government did nothing, poultry farms would individually try differing approaches and those that hit upon the right methodology would subsequently prosper, whilst the remainder would be asking them "what did you do right?". Before long everyone would be doing right.

    Government stepping in simply ensures that everyone does it wrong, and cannot subsequently learn from those that did it right.

    (So it is with all top-down centralised control, whether we are talking chickens, beef, motorised transport, film making, pandemics, news media, religion, or monetary madness. The host of individuals operating collectively by their own individual free association, free speech, and free will and judgement is inherently superior to central diktat, since it enables all sorts

  • "Who Watches the Watchers? Who Guards the Guards?"


    Neil Oliver needs no introduction from me. Here he speaks to our times and he speaks for the growing army of citizens all over the world who don't outsource their thinking to anybody.

    Does he speak for you also?

    (12 minutes)


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