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Free Citizen

  • ECLJ intervenes at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights


    The ECLJ intervenes as amicus curiae in this case pending before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

    The problem is not new - it is the long-standing tendency of the Open Society Foundations (George Soros to you and me) to be involved in funding judicial appointees who then participate in cases which are by no means unrelated to the policies of the Foundations, leading many to feel that the impartial judgement of the court may be compromised by a conflict of interest. The ECLJ has reported on similar situations in European courts.

    This is a well recognised age-old problem for which the very phrase "conflict of interest" was devised.

    The tradition in courts is of course for such persons to recuse

  • Daily Mail Ratchets up the Covid Fear


    With Covid deaths and cases dropping daily and spring making itself known throughout the realm, it seems that the powers behind the Media are trying to mitigate the risk of us getting uppity and wanting our lives back.

    The Daily Mail duly obliges with a preposterous propaganda piece assuring us that Covid may cause all categories of calamity should we dare to break any rule and catch it by mistake.

    You really couldn't make it up, but they have obviously tried very hard and managed it.

    So what is on this melancholy menu of mischief?

    Is there any part of us that this dreadful disease of dystopia cannot mess

  • Richard Tice Takes the Reins from Nigel


    Nigel retires - Richard steps forward to fill the gap at the head of the Reform Party - is this a great leap forward, sideways, or backwards, or status quo?

    This is the video of his (virtual) press conference:


    • no mention of the Covid lock-down fiasco / vaccine blackmail
    • no mention of PPE crony purchasing
    • no mention of civil service bloat / control of agenda (but some nods towards simplification - we have heard it all before)
    • no mention of the controlled media - independent investigative journalism now extinct in mainstream
    • no mention of NHS-BigPharma-BigGovt
  • How the Government Controls the Media Messaging


    Journalist David Rose interviewed by Anna Brees on how the government (and its agencies) effectively bully the MSM into towing the line and thus maintain their hegemony over the messages that reach the public.




  • Now Official - Almost Any Government Agency Can break the Law with Impunity


    Back in December we reported that the Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill 2019/21 was wending its way through Parliament.


    Today we report that it has received the Royal Assent and is now law.

    View it here, download it here.


    "An Act to make provision for, and in connection with, the authorisation of criminal conduct in the course of, or otherwise in connection with, the conduct of covert human intelligence sources.
    [1st March

  • Our Government's Covid Abuse Programme?


    Lockdown Sceptics continue the theme that we are in an abusive relationship with our government. The behaviours exhibited are typically assumed to be relevant in a domestic household situation, often but not always between partners and spouses.

    We have explored this notion before, but it is good to remind ourselves occasionally of what is very evidently still going on.

    As "case" numbers fall through the floor and hospital admissions begin to dry up, how much longer will this go on? Presumably until the population at large comes to its senses and says enough is enough.


  • So What Exactly Is Covid-19?


    Is it a bird? Is it a 'plane? Is it a weird tennis ball with knobs on?

    No it's a virus! Or so we are assured by those who claim to know. Indeed also by those who demand our subservience to their many and ever-changing diktats.

    The same people incidentally that assure us equally firmly that vaccines were the undoubted cause of the health improvements in the general population observed during the 20th century just gone. Since this is the overwhelming consensus of all the official health bodies world-wide, we are to believe them, and yet . . .  science does not normally advance through consensus (ask Albert Einstein).

    In fact, consensus can be thought to be a block to scientific advance. Because so many of those who need to be convinced of a different and better understanding have made significant personal investments in that consensus, they are understandably reluctant to challenge it. Bearing in mind the many $billions (more probably $trillions or even

  • The Texan Snow that Didn't Melt?


    We all read about the severe weather conditions in Texas recently, and we may have noticed various reports that this "snow" didn't melt when exposed to a flame (but did blacken). But I notice that like snow everywhere, after a few days it disappeared.

    So was there any reality to this odd story? I don't know, but in view of the considerable belief that man-made weather does in fact occur all over the world (floods in China etc) maybe it's worth some consideration.

    The USA Watchdog site has the story.

  • South Dakota Governor Speaks to CPAC


    Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota reviews South Dakota's reaction to the Covid emergency:

    "Covid didn't crush the economy - Government crushed the economy"

    "South Dakota is the only state in America that never ordered a single business or church to close, we never instituted a shelter-in-place order, we never mandated that people wear a mask, we never even defined what an "essential business" is because I don't believe that the governors have the authority to tell you that your business isn't essential"

    "In South Dakota I provided all of the information that we had to our people, and then I trusted them to make the best decisions for themselves, for their families, and in turn their communities"

    "Dr Fauci told me that on my worst day I would have 10,000 patients in my hospitals - on our worst day, we had a little over 600"

    The Psychology of Bad Politicians


    This is a must-view for those of us who realise that politicians are not representing our interests, and would  like to understand why it is that such politicians appear fickle, incompetent, even venal (and I hasten to add that not all politicians fit this alarming profile, just that too many do).

    I am not suggesting that this video has all the answers.

    Firstly it is US-centric, which is actually useful in so far as we perhaps don't already have such an emotional reaction to US as we do to UK politics, so we may be better positioned to adopt an impartial viewpoint.

    Secondly it is firmly grounded in what I will call the mistakes of US politics - although UK, European, Indian, Chinese etc politics do have their differences, human beings are common to them all, so there is also a great deal of commonality across the nations, since politics could be described as essentially the art of government at all its different levels.


  • James Corbett on the Trump-Biden Conundrum


    James Corbett of the Corbett Report delivers a very well-constructed review of the Trump presidency and how it fits within the American (global?) "democratic" system.

    What was the point of Trump? Was he the man to fix the system and "drain the swamp", or was he the necessary distraction that enabled those behind the scenes to take the world into the next phase of their plan for our dystopian future?

    James brings a welcome forensic analysis of past pronouncements and events that gives real pause for thought, building a convincing case that Trump was not the man that many hoped (and prayed) he would be:


    Like / Dislike this video here.


    As of today, it's hard to disagree

  • From House of Chaos to House of Complacency


    During Mrs May's tenure, the House of Commons became the house of chaos as opposing factions seemingly bent every rule in the book and every  convention in Parliament in a futile bid to overturn the verdict of the People without taking the blame for so doing. The squabbling and scheming reached epic levels and the cartoonists (to misapply a quote from Harold Macmillan) had "never had it so good".

    Contrast that with the current state of play where Boris and Matt get by without bothering to present their diktats in the House, Her Majesty's loyal opposition is so loyal that it only ever argues for the restrictions to be tighter, and with very few honourable exceptions no serious attempt is made to do anything other than tow the party line and support the government.

    In this article for Brexit Watch Ian Logan points up the situation over Brexit where

  • The Abyss of Infinite Lunacy


    Professor Saad may not be a familiar name but Peter Whittle has done us all a service by featuring him on "So What You're Saying Is...".

    As an evolutionary psychologist he doesn't fall neatly into any of our normal categories, and as an academic one wonders, given his forthright views, how he has managed to survive without being cancelled, but he does share an interesting explanation of his longevity, an explanation which perhaps more of us need to emulate.

    Oh, and he's very entertaining with it :)


    Like / Dislike this video here.

  • Ben Habib Launches Lawfare over the NI Protocol


    Ben Habib explains what he is up to - he is taking Boris to task for the Northern Ireland protocol that is currently dividing the Union.

    Today we are writing to the Prime Minister. This government is driving a coach & horses through the Act of Union. We have no option but to take legal action

    Whilst it's good to see initiatives like this that take the preservation of the Union very seriously, surely the point is that Parliament should be taking the lead here?

    The very fact that politicians are now resorting to legal action speaks volumes about the fiction that Parliament is composed of those who represent the views of the people.


    Like / Dislike this video

  • Bitcoin - Trick or Treat?


    Bitcoin recently appreciated significantly when Elon Musk bought a vast tranche.

    Since then it's seemingly done nothing but go up in value. So what to do - is it about to collapse or will it go on up for ever and make its owners extravagantly wealthy?

    I have read many articles on crypto but I have not invested any actual money as yet. Should I now break the conservative habit and buy in?

    Catherine Austin Fitts gives us a wholly different take on what is going on here, and I suspect that her analysis will come as something of a surprise to many.

    She succeeds in relating the financial elements to  our real-life needs and experience, as well as to the global political and financial situation - she paints a very complete picture.


  • Zero Covid - Coming Soon?


    This utterly preposterous idea is, believe it or not, seriously being touted by those who think they can bully or manipulate us into accepting whatever they say as the gospel truth - or at any rate a plausible alternative to it.

    The AIER now feels compelled to take this absurd threat seriously, not because it has any merit, but because the associated politics has all the hall-marks of a totalitarian agenda that they would steamroller across the world whether we the people want it or not.

    "Those who follow this philosophy fail to recognize the glaringly obvious truth that suppression tactics have not succeeded because they run contrary to human nature"

    "The ZeroCovid

  • The Good Law Project Wins PPE Procurement Case against Government


    The BBC reports:-

    "Matt Hancock acted unlawfully when his department did not reveal details of contracts it had signed during the Covid pandemic, a court has ruled"

    When the Covid pandemic struck the government allegedly threw all its normal procurement processes out of the window as it seemingly fell over itself to place orders for PPE.

    Many questioned the rationale for placing such orders with suppliers who appeared to be manifestly unsuitable under all normal sourcing criteria, but in any event the government was still under a legal obligation to publish details of its procurements within 30 days after the event.

    It appears that this obligation was not fulfilled.

  • The Covid "Fraud Triangle" Hypothesis


    For those of us who still wonder why seemingly all previously accepted tenets of epidemiological, medical, statistical and governmental good practice were promptly thrown out of the window a year ago, possibly never to return in our life-times, Lockdown Sceptics take the bull by the horns and introduce the hitherto unmentionable (in gentlemanly circles) idea there might be a motivation in fraud.

    Personally I think this idea is long overdue an outing - any rational enumeration of the possible causes of the current imbroglio must include fraud on the list, and given what we know about human nature, it seems ridiculous that this possibility should be excluded from investigation merely on the grounds that somebody somewhere may think it to be in bad taste.

    Logic is impervious to taste, and as far as I know bad taste has never been known as a sure preventative of criminal

  • US states taking steps to nullify ALL of Joe Biden’s unconstitutional laws and executive orders


    It seems that North Dakota is following in the footsteps of South Dakota in seeking to ensure that no Federal laws or Executive Orders that they deem to conflict with the US Constitution will be respected.

    Whilst legally arguably superfluous, this will make it much easier for such unconstitutional measures to be disregarded since such action would be much less likely to result in a lawsuit.

    Natural News has the story.

    Once more we can see the strength of the decentralised American model where the powers of the federal centre are strictly limited by the constitution, thus ensuring that each state retains autonomy in its own affairs.

    I can't help but wonder if there is a lesson (or several) for the future of the UK in there somewhere?

  • Financial / Geopolitical Review - Matt Ehret and RDS


    Robert David Steele is a very well-informed and assertive individual (who I think could learn to interrupt a little less frequently) and Matt Ehret is a Canadian who seems to be enormously well read in geopolitics and its history.

    They make up  formidable duo.

    Here they discuss the causes of the current financial/geopolitical state of the world, and very interesting they are.

    So, without further ado, please watch:


    See more at Matt's web-site The Canadian Patriot.

    See the RDS blog at phibetaiota.net.