The "Green New Deal" doesn't exist. Even after 50 years of righteous and determined green zealotry in pursuit of the decarbonisation agenda, the world is still burning more fossil fuel every year!
It's all hype and obfuscation for the "benefit" of the corporate giants that are creaming off the ever-rising subsidies necessary to make the GND look as though it's doing something other than ruining us all.
Will the new Labour Government be any better at camouflaging this pig in a poke than the Tories? I'd say that the omens are not auspicious - because although reality does have the disturbing bad habit of impinging on us eventually (no matter how much nonsense is spewed forth in Parliament), humanity's determination to cherry-pick its figures to suit the narrative - rather than to assess the whole problem in the round - is why we still obsess over installing an inconsequentially small number of windmills in the UK whilst ignoring the many new coal and gas plants being constructed by other much larger nations around the world.
So perhaps after all, the world will be spared the CO2 famine that would ensure that it's populations starve for lack of food, despite many governments' overt efforts to put their existing farms to uses other than farming "to save the planet".
You couldn't make it up - but somebody did, and my guess is that we will have to deal with that somebody sooner or later.
For a deeper dive into the entrails of the story so far, Nick Hubble is our guide.