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The GWPF (Global Warming Policy Forum) press release notes the oncoming political pressures on the Conservative Party if Boris continues with his stated plans to move the UK to "Net Zero".

As most normal people know, the costs will be vast and will fall disproportionately on the ordinary citizenry.

Even if the government ministers and their advisers haven't noticed, Tory MPs have and are making their views felt.

Whilst this is good news, a loss to Labour at the next election doesn't seem likely to redress the situation in the eyes of the voters since the Left are perhaps even more determined to push ahead with "green" initiatives than the Right, so the calculation may be that the public has no choice and will get the green agenda whether they like it or not, all other things being equal.

Of course, all other things may not be equal. My guess is that the fall-out from the US Elections scandal and the surrounding events will turn out to be catastrophic to a great many cherished agendas that have hitherto appeared unstoppable, and we are about to enter some very "interesting times" indeed.