Hits: 477


(31 minutes)

We may as individuals forgive those who have wronged us as we feel appropriate to our circumstances. That is our freedom and our right.

We should however never forget the extraordinary level of brainwashing, nudging, opprobrium, name-calling, and indeed threats and actual violence that were directed to those who merely pointed out that there was no evidence to support the effectiveness of the measures being imposed, to support the attempts to cajole us into taking an experimental medical intervention (in blatant contravention of the Nuremberg Codes), to support the alleged safety and efficacy of the alleged vaccines, to support the elimination of all alternative medical therapies other than vaccines, or even to support the alleged danger that the virus was supposed to pose to us all.

Nor must we forget the extraordinary attempts to completely censor all opinion contrary to the official line, even when cogently argued by exceptionally well-qualified doctors.

Nor should we forget that this was all coordinated globally across as many countries as were supposed to be "civilised" and rigorously promoted by the supposedly independent media companies whose duty is always to challenge the policies and practices of governments and to inform the public. They were (and still are) in dereliction of that duty.

Those who forget history are likely to repeat it.