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I don't pretend to understand the intricate financial detail involved, but it does appear that the "Old World Order" has run out of road - at least if Benjamin Fulford is to be believed.

The remaining questions are 'how long will it take to die?' and 'what will replace it?'.

"the West must decline further into chaos and mayhem before it will be possible to finally remove the last vestiges of ... mafia rule"

Clearly it is not yet all plain sailing, and there will be a lot of reinventing of our global (not to mention national) arrangements to be done, but perhaps the ancien regime has now had its day and we must all work to ensure that its replacement is to our liking.

"Asian and Western secret societies have already agreed in principle to a plan for what happens after the KM is removed"

Read Benjamin Fulford's report (partially paywalled - subscribe for full access).

For a pretty comprehensive tour of the ancien regime, its history, and it's present-day incarnation, Janet Ossebaard & Christel Koeter have produced a blockbuster series that is as comprehensive as you might find anywhere and fascinating to boot.

Bitchute hosts this outstanding offering.

You might want to set aside an afternoon (short version) or a day (longer but still incomplete!) for its perusal - I started with the Sequel as I'm chronologically pedantic, but it's your choice.