Hits: 1190


That's a very dull title for a riveting and frankly unparalleled story!

Washington DC was the British Post Office?! I'll bet you never realised how much power the postmaster general wields.

I can't vouch for the accuracy of any of this but the trail from the first US bankruptcy (yes, there have already been several) makes for a fascinating - even unbelievable - story.

Does it give us a clue about how the coming bankruptcy will play out? 

This is a war story, but a spiritual war, not a shooting war. 

Be prepared to abandon your preconceived ideas of history, get the kettle on, and buckle up for a revelation or three.

"This is the largest national security secret in the history of the nation"

You'll never see the world in the same light again!

(1 hour)


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