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For the purposes of this article I will not differentiate between your brain (physical cells) and your mind (what you think with) - that's an argument for another day. The good news is that if as some think your mind is not a physical construct, then it is hopefully more difficult to mess with than your brain. More difficult, but probably not impossible ...

We are having to navigate a world of conflicting messaging systems (social media, mainstream media, family friends and acquaintances, movies, games, personal technology, you name it).

And now - 5G.

This little video explores the means by which some well-qualified people believe unscrupulous technologists could possibly already mess with our mind/brain.

I'm not saying that it's all true, just that we should be aware that some of it may be and some of it may be still 'in the works'.

If we are aware of what may be going on, it makes it more difficult for them. Don't panic, just keep a cool head: